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Our New Starters

Information for new starters at our school.

We are so happy to welcome you to our school. Here you will find all the information you need to prepare you child for starting school in September 2024! You will also be given a Welcome Booklet Pack in the Summer before starting with us. This pack will include all of the forms we need parents to complete and send back to school as well as some helpful information and tips to prepare your child for school.

In Reception, the children learn primarily through play and exploration with plentiful opportunities to be creative and solve problems. The learning environment consists of an indoor and outdoor area containing carefully planned and resourced areas of provision that are regularly updated throughout the year. Our children enjoy being outdoors all year round and particularly enjoy Forest Schools that takes place on various areas of the school grounds.

Developing vocabulary and speaking and listening skills is central to all learning and play activities that take place. Providing the children with an understanding of a wide repertoire of vocabulary and the ability to articulately express themselves and engage in meaningful discussions is fundamental for future success in all areas of the curriculum.

The children receive a broad curriculum that encapsulates the development of stamina and resilience, the ability to work collaboratively, communication and problem solving skills and above all, a love of learning. Children leave Reception Class eager readers and writers having secured their phonics skills in a systematic and engaging way. They have a deep and secure understanding of number and pattern that adequately prepares them for the Key Stage 1 curriculum and beyond. They are full of curiosity and revel in awe and wonder as they encounter a wide range of experiences and new learning about the world they live in.

At St. Michael’s, our pupils receive the best possible to start to their formal education and we endeavour to maintain their enthusiasm and commitment to learning for the whole time that they are with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Class F children receive homework?

Children in Class F will get a library book to share with grown ups from September. Once we have begun phonics sessions children will take home phonics sound cards and then word games/books when individuals are ready

When can Class F children go to breakfast club and tea club?

Children in Class F will have a short, staggered start to the full school day in September and will not start attending breakfast club or tea club until they have finished their transition days.

How do Class F children learn?

Children in Class F are still working through the Early Years Curriculum and so a lot of their learning comes from interactions through play, as well as some small group and whole class sessions which focus on phonics, maths, RE and PSHE once the children have settled.

Is Class F more formal than nursery?

Yes it is, with more carpet sessions and adult direct time – however there is still a strong focus on learning through play and we place a lot of value in working in the areas of the classroom to build on child interests to learn.

What about milk and snack?

Children in Class F will have a set milk time in school, we ask for a small donation (20-50p/week) in order for every child to have a drink of milk or juice and a small snack on an afternoon. Every child will have a school snack available on a morning. Children are welcome to bring a snack from home – it must be healthy  – fruit, cereal bar etc.

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Updated | 11th June, 2024 |

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